Moshi Mc (Karanga Primary) Standard Four Monthly Examination With Marking Schemes January 2025


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The word "examination" has a few different meanings, but in general, it refers to the process of carefully inspecting or evaluating something. In the context of education, an examination is a formal test that is used to assess a student's knowledge of a particular subject. Examinations can be written, oral, or practical, and they can be used to measure a variety of skills, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

In Tanzania, the Primary Examination refers to the national exam taken by students at the end of their primary education, typically in Standard 7 (the final year of primary school). The exam is officially called the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). It is conducted by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) and is a significant milestone for students in the country.

Importance of the Primary Examination in Tanzania:

  1. Transition to Secondary School: The Primary Examination plays a critical role in determining whether a student can proceed to secondary education. Based on their performance in the PSLE, students are either placed in secondary schools or may have to repeat the primary cycle or pursue alternative vocational education.
  2. Assessment of Knowledge and Skills: The exam assesses the knowledge and skills students have acquired during their years of primary education. It tests subjects such as mathematics, English, Kiswahili, science, and social studies.
  3. Educational Standards: The results provide the government, educational institutions, and policymakers with insights into the overall quality of primary education in the country. It helps in monitoring the educational system and addressing potential areas of improvement.
  4. Fair Selection Process: Since admission to secondary schools is highly competitive in Tanzania, the PSLE serves as a standardized measure to ensure fairness in the selection process. Students who perform well are more likely to secure spots in better schools, while those who score lower may have limited options.
  5. Development of Future Opportunities: The results can also affect a student's future educational and career opportunities. Performing well can open doors to prestigious secondary schools, which in turn could lead to better prospects for higher education and professional growth.








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